Mesoamerican Archaeology
 Click to Enlarge: Map of Palenque

Teotihuacán's Map & Layout

Teotihuacán is laid out following a grid-like plan of roads and paths that connect four major sections of the city based on a north-south axis.

The Ciudadela: On the southern end of the Avenue of the Dead is the Ciudadela, which is a large sunken plaza that is surrounded by temples. This area also encloses the Temple of the Feathered Serpent, which contains wall paintings and other religous artifacts.

The Great Compound: Directly across from the Cuidadela, is the Great Compound, which may have been a large marketplace.

The Pyramid of the Sun: Traveling north on the Avenue of the Dead is the location of the largest building on this site, the Pyramid of the Sun. Discovered under this pyramid was a cave along with a number of religous artifacts. This was a religous temple dealing with the ancient beliefs in the creation of the sun and moon.

The Pyramid of the Moon: At north end of the Avenue of the Dead is a central grouping of temples and open courts all surrounding the Pyramid of the Moon. Excavations under this temple have revealed burials containing the remains of victims of sacrafice. Along with the Temple of the Sun, the Temple of the Moon is believed to have been used for religous worship and practices, including human sacrifice.

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