Timetables Collection
- Title:Long Island Railroad Timetable, Rockaway Branch, 1951
- Subjects: Rockaway Branch; Timetables - Rockaway Branch; Timetables - Rockaway Branch - Mid Twentieth Century
- Description: The Rockaway Branch of the Long Island Railroad is now the rockaway segments of the A Train of the New York City Subway system. This timetable details Penn Station and Brooklyn trains to Ozone Park, Howard Beach, and Hamilton Beach, 1951. At this time, the trestle over Jamaica Bay was burnt out, as it frequently did, which is what prompted the sale to the city of NY. Thus, the trains ended at Hamilton Beach, and separate service to the Rockaways was accomplished through the Far Rockaway Branch. The section of the Branch from Woodside to Liberty Avenue where it met with the subway was abandoned. Note: Brooklyn connections were made at Woodhaven Station. The underground station on the Atlantic Avenue line to Brooklyn was abandoned later, due to low ridership in the years after the branch above street level was abandoned.
- Source: Long Island Railroad
- Language:English
- Relation:Long Island Railroad History site
- Coverage:Rockaways, Ozone Park, Woodhaven, Queens, Brooklyn, New York.
- Creator:Long Island Railroad
- Publisher: Long Island Railroad
- Other Contributor:Bob Anderson, operator, Long Island Railroad History Site
- Resource Type: Timetable
- Date:1951
- Format:Digital reproduction, JPEG format
- Resource Identifier:http://www.lirrhistory.com/Oct98/hamilton.jpg
Copyright 2003 by
Serena Brooks,
Deborah Grayovski,
Elizabeth Pessala,
David Shanske.
This page was last updated: November 2003