Development of the Long Island Railroad


            This digital library was created as a student project by Serena Brooks, Deborah Grayovski, Elizabeth Pessala, and David Shanske for an Introduction to Knowledge Organization class in the Fall of 2003 at C.W. Post – Long Island University, under the supervision of Professor Richard P. Smiraglia. This is a compilation of digitally available information that the above creators collected, but not a comprehensive treatment of the Long Island Railroad and its history. In each of the individual item level pages, we sought to give well-deserved credit to those who created or contributed to the public availability of this information.

            This collection incorporates multiple media, including digital reproductions of printed materials, photographs, audio files, maps, and links to material available in other collections. In order to navigate this collection with ease, we have created a general index, as well as featured content pages for each of our four main topics. In presenting this information, we were guided by the Dublin Core standards for electronic resources. We hope you find this information enlightening and useful in your research endeavors.

Featured Content



General Index - General index of all subjects, creators, contributors, and locations.


Copyright 2003 by
Serena Brooks, Deborah Grayovski, Elizabeth Pessala, David Shanske.

This page was last updated: December 2003