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Train Collection

picture of 1874 LIRR Steam  
    Engine No. 48, the Benjamin Hitchcock

Title: LIRR Steam Engine No. 48, The Benjamin Hitchcock, Circa 1874.

Subjects: Trains--Steam Engines--Late Nineteenth Century;Photographs--Trains--Steam Engines;Schenectady

Description: This is a photograph of LIRR Steam Engine No. 48, named the Benjamin Hitchcock, when it was new at the factory in 1874. Two years later it was renamed to the Port Jefferson.

Source: Photograph is part of the collection of Alco Historic Photos.

Language: English.

Relation: Photograph taken from the book,"The Long Island Rail Road in Early Photographs" by Ron Ziel.

Location: Schenectady, New York

Creator: Unknown.

Publisher: Dover Publications, Inc.;Mineola, New York.

Other Contributer: Ron Ziel authored the book that published this photograph.

Rights Management: Copyright 1990--All rights reserved by publishing company.

Date: 1874

Resource Type: Photograph

Format: JPEG file

Resource Identifier: ISBN of book is 0-486-26301-0



Copyright 2003 by Serena Brooks, Deborah Grayovski, Elizabeth Pessala, David Shanske.

This page was last updated: November 2003