Frequently Asked Questions
- Can I have a birthday party in school for my child?
- Yes. Please let me know at least on e week in advance if you would like to have a party.
- There are 12 children in the class.
- The best food for a party are doughnuts or cupcakes.
- If you would like to bring pizza, the slices can be cut in half.
- The best drinks for the party are juice boxes.
- Please bring plates, forks, spoons, cups, and napkins.
- If you choose to bring party bags, they should contain snacks/toys that are safe. No gum please.
- Party bags will be given to children at the end of the day.
- Please do not bring anything that contains nuts and other high allergy foods.
- Do the kids have snack?
- Yes, we have “community snack”. That means if you do not send individual snack,
your child will still be provided with snack. However we are asking your help with this.
Please send in a large box of snack (labeled with your child's name) every month.
Some examples are listed below.
- Graham Crackers.
- Cereal (any that would be easy to eat)
- Pretzels
- Goldfish
- Cheez Its
- Crackers
- What should my child wear?
- We encourage but do not require the children to wear school shirts.
If your child wears shoes with laces, please make sure that they can keep them tied.
Otherwise, velcro is best. Similarly, if they wear anything with a belt or buckle,
make sure they know how to open and close them by themselves. Sneakers must be worn
on gym and dance days (Monday and Wednesday). White shirts are required on assembly days.
- What is the best way to contact the teacher?
- There are several ways to do so. You can write a note in your child's homework
book. You can also call the school and ask for the teacher, and they will transfer
the call or pass on the message.