How Should We Teach English Language Learners?
While research and practice prove that the best way to teach students English is to build on those students' first languages, that's not usually the way things play out in schools.
Weekend Edition Sunday, National Public Radio, June 29, 2009
Transforming Classrooms into 21st Century Work Spaces
Think of it as a "learning environment " instead of a classroom bound by four walls.
Digital Directions, Education Week, June 25, 2009
On Online Courses
"Managing Instruction in a Virtual World":
Digital Directions, Education Week, June 26, 2009
"Rising Enrollments Require Distance Learning" eCampus News, June 30, 2009
It's Time for Writing
Come write; ask your friends, colleagues, and neighbors to write; work with others to establish a local gallery. Talk this up -- it is time for writing!