Leaf Rubbing: Supplies:
Leaves, crayons and or color chalk, 2 pieces of 9 x 12 manila paper.
Instructions: Take several different kinds of leaves; arrange them
upside down with leaf veins facing upward on one piece of paper.
Place the manila paper over the leaves and with the side of the crayon
or colored chalk, rub back and forth till the impression of the leaf
Paper plate snowman:
1 large and 1 small paper plates, colored markers, black buttons,
pencil, scissors, glue, stapler, 1 each 9 X 12 orange, white, and
black construction paper. Instructions: Staple small paper
plate to large paper plate. Cut out a scarf shape out of white
paper, a snowman top hat out of black construction paper. With the
black paper cut two large circles for eyes and 6 smaller circles for a
smile. Cut a large carrot shape for a nose for the snowman. Glue
buttons down the center of the large paper plate for buttons. Use
markers to color and decorate scarf. Glue into place.
Wind sock: Supplies:
Construction paper, crayons, crepe-paper, paper punch, yarn,
glue. Instructions: Cut crepe-paper into 1 inch strips for
streamers. With crayons, decorate and color one 9 x 12 inch
construction paper. Glue the streamers to the back, along the
bottom. Roll the construction paper into a cylinder. Glue
into place. Punch 2 to 3 holes evenly spaced along the
Tie cord into the holes and hang.
Butterfly mobile: Supplies:
Plastic straws, string, construction paper, glue, pipe cleaners, and 2
beads. Instructions: Cut four paper strips ½ inch
wide from a 9 x 12 construction paper, long ways. Glue the ends of
strip to the middle, creating two loops. Glue four looped strips
together at the middles to make a butterfly. Wrap a pipe cleaner
around each butterfly for antennae. Push beads onto the ends of
the pipe cleaner. Tie butterflies to a straw that is slightly cut
at each end and in the middle. From the middle of the straw, tie
a string in the other direction to hang mobile.