The Whiffle-Poofle

Described as something between a gila monster and an eel, the whiffle-poofle dwells at the bottom of the deepest lakes in the Southwest, preferring to avoid bodies of water that may recede or dry up entirely in warm weather. It is said that this is not due to having an aquatic nature, but rather due to the beast being being so incredibly shy that this is the only place it feels comfortably concealed. Its curiosity may be its downfall, as the legendary cowboy Pecos Bill (himself a figure of tall tales) is said to have lured one out of the water by having a story-teller loudly tell humorous tales over the surface of a lake until the whiffle-poofle rose to the surface of the water to listen to the stories. So intrigued by these stories-- and evidently able to comprehend English --the whiffle-poofle began following the boat until it could be lured onto the shores of the lake, helpless on dry land.
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The Club-Tailed Glyptodont
The Gwinter
The Milamo Bird
The Whiffle-Poofle