Diana Lennon Designs
Diana Lennon Designs is a small home-based jewelry business in New York. Diana always has loved beads and
their simple beauty, global history, and worldwide appeal. This led to making jewelry for herself and to give as gifts, and now she creates
special designs for you!
Select your favorite
stones and Diana will customize a
piece of jewelry that suits your individual taste and style. Or choose from the
necklaces, bracelets, and
earrings and inquire about prices by contacting Diana at:
Diana has donated jewelry in support of women, education, and land preservation in the U.S. and abroad.
Please take a moment to read about these organizations that are special to Diana, and to visit their websites.
Kazuri Beads

In Nairobi, Kenya, where she lived on the former coffee plantation of Karen Blixen of
Out of Africa
Lady Susan Wood hired two disadvantaged women to create beads made with clay from the Mt. Kenya area.
The women formed, baked, painted and fired the clay to produce unusual beads. She named them
the Swahili word for
small and beautiful
In 1988, Kazuri became a factory and expanded to give jobs to over 120 women and men. Today it is a help center for needy women,
especially single mothers with no other source of income. In a difficult global economy,
one beadmaker often provides for an extended family of twenty or more people. Diana Lennon Designs uses
Kazuri beads in various pieces for their simple beauty and to support these Kenyan artists.
Ossining MATTERS
As the educational foundation for the Ossining Union Free School District,
Ossining MATTERS has two annual
fundraisers, the September Walk-Run, and the Gala Concert and Auction in the spring.
Diana Lennon Designs has donated jewelry to the auction in order to help this community-based
organization raise funds for the school district and enhance the education of all children in the district.
The Trustees of Reservations
A Massachusetts based land trust organization,
The Trustees of Reservations
is a member-supported, nonprofit, conservation organization that preserves, for public use and enjoyment, properties of
exceptional scenic, historic, and ecological value in Massachusetts.
As Diana is a Massachusetts native, Diana Lennon Designs has donated jewelry to their auction fundraiser since 2005.
Bear her this jewel, pledge of my affection.
Shakespeare, Henry VI
Act v, Sc 3, l 47