Robbin Ami Silverberg is an artist living and working in Brooklyn. Her artwork is divided between solo and collaborative artist books and large paper installations.

Silverberg is founding director of Dobbin Mill, a hand-papermaking studio, and Dobbin Books, a collaborative artist book studio, which publishes small editions by Silverberg, in collaboration with international artists.

Silverberg has exhibited and taught extensively internationally. Her artwork is found in numerous public collections and has appeared in such publications as The Smithsonian Book of Books and 500 Handmade Books.

50-52 Dobbin Street
Brooklyn, NY 11222



2009	Petöfi Irodalmi Múzeum, Budapest
2008 Galerie Buch & Druck, Tübingen, Germany
2007 Brooklyn Public Library Gallery: Women's Work
2006 Galerie N & n, Budapest: Home Sweet Home
Columbia College Gallery, Chicago: Politics In Paper
2005 Whanki Museum, Seoul, Korea
2003 La Galería - Haus der Kunst, Guadelajara, Mexico
2002 Western Michigan University Gallery, Kalamazoo
2001 Center for Book Arts Gallery, NYC: Collaborations in South Africa
2000 Temple Judea Museum, Elkins Park, PA: From Darkness into Light
1999 University of Pennsylvania, Rosenwald Gallery: Look Books
Brooklyn Public Library Gallery: Look Books
1998 HarperCollins Exhibition Space, NYC: Dobbin Books
Enciklopédia Kiadó, Budapest
1997 The Robert McLaughlin Gallery, Ontario,Canada
Le Chaufaud Musée, Percé, Québec: Une Percée
NSA Gallery, Durban, South Africa
1996 Saint Peter's Church, NYC: Solo installation
1995 Prieto Gallery, Mills College, Oakland, CA: Dobbin Books
1994 HarperCollins Exhibition Space, NYC: Dobbin Books
István Király Muzeum, Hungary
Museum of Applied Arts, Budapest: Solo Installation


2009 	Lehman College Gallery, NYC: Rare Editions - The Book as Art
2008 Museum of Arts & Crafts, Itami, Japan: "Your Documents Please"
2007 Milwaukee Institute, Wisconsin: Sacred Text
Center for Book Arts, NY: Black & White & Read
Stadtmuzeum Deggendorf, Germany: Paper Road
2006 King Saint Stephen Museum, Székesféhérvár, Hungary: 4th International Artists' Book Exhibition
Kyoto Institute of Technology: Artist Books
Papier Muzeum, Steyrermuehl, Austria: Paper
2005 Charite Medizinhistorische Museum, Berlin: The Missing Link
Israel Museum, Jerusalem: Beauty & the Book
Musée du Pays et Val de Charmey, Switzerland: Fifth International Paper Triennial
Center for Book Arts Gallery, NY: 30 Years of Innovation
Hebrew Union College Museum, NYC & Hungarian Cultural Institute, Berlin: Waldsee 1944
Korea: 2nd Seoul Internatl Book Arts exhibition
2004 Korea: 1st Seoul Internatl Book Arts exhibition
Maryland Jewish Museum, Baltimore: Weaving Women's Words
Brooklyn Museum of Fine Arts: Open House
Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Egypt: International Biennale
Haus der Kunst, La Galería, Guadelajara, Mexico:  Doce el doce del doce
2B Gallery, Budapest: Waldsee 1944
2003 Santa Maria Della Scala, Siena, Italy: Paper Road
9th Wexford Artists' Book Exhibition, Ireland
Adam Baumgold Gallery, NYC: Word Works
Hebrew Union Museum, NY: The Art of Aging
2002 Silicon Gallery, NY: Digital Books
Art On Paper Gallery, Johannesburg: trans'for-ma'tion
2001 Off-Centre Gallery, Bristol, England: Tale of Two Cities
2000 Brooklyn Museum of Art: Working in Brooklyn - Artists Books


Allan Chasanoff Bookworks, NYC
Natl Mus. of African Art, DC
Yale Beineke Library
István Király Muzeum, Székesfehérvár, Hungary
Leopold Hoesch Museum, Düren, Germany
Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest
Emory University, Atlanta
Technikon Natal Art Gallery, Durban, S. Africa
Museum of Applied Arts, Budapest
Boston Public Library
Brooklyn Museum of Fine Arts
University of PA, Phila.
Sackner Archive, Miami
Rutgers University Library, NJ
Long Island University, NYC
University of New Mexico, Albuquerque
UCLA Arts Library
RISDI, Providence
Whitney Museum Library, NYC
Dartmouth, NH
University of Vermont, Burlington
Lafayette College, PA
Columbia University NYC
Biblioteka Alexandria, Egypt
Cleveland Art Institute
Wellesley College, MA
UC Santa Barbara, Davidson
UC Berkeley Library
Duke University, NC
Mass College of Art, Boston
Otis School of Art & Design, LA
Stanford University CA
University of Denver
University fur Angewandte Kunst, Vienna
Bayerische Staatsbibiliothek, Munich
Kunst- und Museumsbibliothek, Cologne
Deutsche Nationalbibliothek Leipzig
Deutsches Buch- und Schriftmuseum
Bibliothéque Nationale de Luxembourg
Offentliche University der Stadt Basel
Museum für Gestaltung, Zürich


Dobbin Mill, NYC:  Director of hand papermaking studio, since 1989
Center for Book Arts, NYC: Instructor for papermaking/artist books, since 1986
Pratt Art Institute, NYC: Asst. Professor for "Art of the Book", since 2002
Workshops and visiting artist seminars since 1986: in the US, South Africa, and Europe


1981	School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston:	Sculpture
1980 Princeton University: BA in Art History, Program of Visual Arts, Cum Laude


Pratt Institute faculty grant (2007)
1st International Artist Book Competition, Seoul (2004)


Trustee of the Board of the Ampersand Foundation since 1997
Director of Alma-on-Dobbin since 2005
Director for The Booklyn Artist Alliance since 2006
Director for the Center for Book Arts

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